This series of events is an opportunity for members of the Waverly community to understand what being trauma-informed is, and how changing our perspective, could enhance our entire community.
Please join me in my home on Thursday, October 20th, from 7 to 9pm, to kick off the series. Donations of $10 to $20 are suggested but not required. Snacks will be provided, and seating is limited. Please take your RSVP seriously (if you don't already know me, this is how you learn my address), and if this particular evening does not work for you, please know that I am hosting additional events on this topic, as follows:
Sunday, October 23rd, 12 to 2pm
Thursday, November, 10th, 7 to 9pm
Sunday, November 13th, 12 to 2pm
This series of events has arisen from conversations I have had with neighbor friends after traumatic community events, a personal exerience I had eight years ago in Mt. Vernon, and is supported by my background in psycholgy and the current focus of my yoga practice, which is yoga therapy.
"'Trauma-informed’ generally refers to operating on the assumption that the majority of people with whom one will come in contact have experienced trauma in their lives. This perspective encourages individuals to ask ‘What happened to you,’ rather than ‘What is wrong with you,’ and to approach understanding an individual’s way of interacting with the world as being a reaction to their past trauma and environment rather than solely as an internal process or biology. "